Welcome to Greenwich Market Online

A showcase for arts and crafts traders, artists and crafts people to promote their business and products on the web. Greenwich Market is probably London's best source for arts and crafts, hand crafted items, different art work, unique gifts, crafting trends, fashion designs, and rare antiques and collectables.

Heart of Maritime Greenwich
Be inspired by British and international arts & crafts or antiques & collectables from a wide range of over 120 stalls. When in London come and visit the covered market in the heart of Maritime Greenwich surrounded by its world famous sights and tourist attractions.

Find information for visitors and for traders or explore arts and crafts products for sale at arts and crafts markets exclusively from arts and crafts  traders.

Up to 120 designer maker arts, crafts and food stalls run Tuesday to Sunday (and bank holidays) from 10am to 5.30pm, with up to 40 antiques, vintage and collectables stalls on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Most shops, cafes, bars, pubs and restaurants are open 7 days a week.

Explore the vibrant surrounding area with cosy pubs and restaurants offering classic British food. Discover independent shops selling unique souvenirs and bookies where you can bet on the top sports in the UK.

Arts and Crafts Traders! Have your Trade and Products published for free!

If you are a casual or regular arts and crafts market trader, an artist or a craft person, then you too could have your trade and your products published* for free.

Just submit a short description of your Trade and your Products:

  • your business (name, location, email and website address)
  • your product (name, category and description)
  • upload your product image (jpg, png, bmp, gif or tif)

* Please note that entries require our approval and we can not guarantee that all submissions will be published. Inappropriate entries and not arts and crafts product related entries will be removed without notice.

Important Notice:

This website is NOT associated with Greenwich Market London or Greenwich Hospital. For information from the market management and to find out how to become a trader at Greenwich Market please visit Greenwich Market London.